Laura Ferrara launched her career in fashion in 1992 under Liz Tilberis and Fabien Baron at Harper’s Bazaar. In 1995 she began freelance styling and since then has collaborated on brand identity with designers, photographers and chefs.

Prior to this, she served as a Senior Fashion Editor for Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Teen Vogue, Jane Magazine, Flair Italia, Elle, Glamour, Cherry Bombe, Vogue, International Vogue, and HommeGirls. Currently in NYC, she’s exploring how to connect people through food, craft, and conversation. Additionally, she has worked on various fashion campaigns for brands ranging from Calvin Klein, to the GAP, to Shiseido.

Beyond the world of styling, Laura is passionate about the intersection of sustainable fashion, farming and travel.

In the early 2000’s, she pioneered the Upstate New York revival. There, Laura built a farm, restaurant and retail craft-maker concept, connecting back to her birthplace of Naples, Italy. Throughout the process, she expanded on her vision in product development, packaging, interior design, distribution, hospitality and communications.